The difference between a solicitor and a barrister?

ffl website solicitor vs barrister

Both are legal representatives who assist in providing advice, guidance and aid in resolving legal matters.

A solicitor is engaged by the client at the beginning of the matter who assists with the preparation of correspondence, negotiations, mediation and preparation of Court documents. The majority of matters will not require the assistance of a barrister.

A barrister is engaged by the solicitor to appear on behalf of the client at complex Court appearances such as a Final Hearing or Contravention Hearing or an Interim Hearing dealing with serious issues. Usually, a barrister specialises in a certain area of law and holds  specialised expertise in appearing before the Court, conducting events such as cross examination of the parties or witnesses in the matter. A barrister will not receive direct instructions from a client and will only engage in instructions from their instructing solicitor.

A Solicitor may also seek written advices or conference with a barrister to seek a detailed opinion or develop a strategy about the best path forward to achieve a favourable outcome for a client.

The team at Family Focus Legal will only engage a barrister following discussion with our client about why this engagement is necesarry.

If you would like to discuss your legal issue with one of our Solicitors, please reach out to our team on 0246554224 or email 

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