A thought for 2017

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2017 is almost upon us!

At this time of year, we like to remind our clients to think about your News Year’s Resolutions, present and past.

One resolution that is always common is to review your Will (let’s be honest – actually get a Will drafted) and to review other Estate Planning areas. This tends to prompt the questions: –

• Do you need to make a Will?

• Do you need to update it?

Would you like us to look over your existing Will? We will do so at no cost to you, because it is so important.

Not that you need motivating to look after your family and plan properly for them, but to thank you for your loyalty and support throughout this year, if you make an appointment before the 15th of December to have a Will drafted we will complete a Power of Attorney free of charge.

This year unfortunately, we have had clients who have suffered because their loved ones neglected to look after their Estate planning. They either did not have a valid or correct Will or did not plan properly in effecting a Power of Attorney or Enduring Guardian and now have to deal with the NSW Public Trustee.

Please click here to have Cat or Jayne from our office contact you to make an appointment or to discuss this email over the phone. We look forward to hearing from you and hope that you and your family have a wonderful and safe Christmas and New Year.

Ready to take the first step towards peace of mind?

Get in touch with our compassionate team, and let’s
discuss how we can support you and your family.