
A Will is a legally binding document that expresses your wishes for your estate in the event of your death. You can nominate your Executor – the person or persons whom you would trust to manage your estate along with declaring your beneficiaries or making specific gifts to individuals or charities.

Making a Will

Paying attention to your Last Will & Testament is particularly important when dealing with Family Law matters. A lot of people don’t know that your Last Will and Testament will remain valid even after a separation. If you have named your former partner as your Executor or a beneficiary under your Will, these directions will remain intact. At Family Focus Legal we recommend that you consider updating or preparing your Will immediately upon separation. 

Our Camden Solicitors are skilled in drafting testamentary documents, ensuring that your Will operates the way that you intend it to. Your Solicitor will discuss methods to minimise the opportunity for an individual to challenge your Will and provide you with advice to suit your circumstances. When making a will, It is important to take into consideration minor children, second marriages, blended families and omitting people as a beneficiary. Your wills and estate lawyer can guide you on this and provide the advice and support you need.

Family Focus Legal also offer to hold your Will in our safe custody at no charge to you. We organise a streamlined appointment with you. We take detailed instructions before your meeting so that your time with our Camden Solicitors is spent answering your questions and providing you with current, accurate advice. Please contact our office by phone on 02 4655 4224 or by email at info@familyfocuslegal.com.au.

Wills and Estates

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