
Understanding Mediation

At Family Focus Legal, we strongly believe in the success of mediation, and encourage parties to come to resolutions collaboratively, when possible. Our Camden solicitors are highly experienced at conducting mediations, whether this be agreed between the parties or Court ordered.

Mediation, or Family Dispute Resolution, attempts to assist separating couples reach agreements that are the most beneficial to all parties, and in the best interests of the parties’ children. It also encourages parties to work together to resolve issues, which fosters a strong co-parenting relationship.

Our team of family lawyers also encourages the use of mediation in property settlement matters as reaching an agreement through this method is far less costly and time-consuming than entering the Court system. Final Orders, Consent Orders or Parenting Plans can be made following these mediations and can finalise the matters between the parties.

Unless there are risk or urgency concerns, all parties are required to attend mediation before commencing parenting proceedings in the Federal Circuit and Family Court of Australia.

If you would like to discuss having one of our highly skilled Camden Solicitors represent you at a mediation, please contact our office at 02 4655 4224 or at to organise a consultation.


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