Disputed & Contested Estates

Disputed & Contested Wills & Estates

When an individual has been left out of a Will, it may be possible to challenge the Will and make a claim against the Estate.

A person may be eligible to make a claim on an Estate if they were:

  • The Husband or Wife of the Deceased
  • A child or step-child of the Deceased
  • A defacto partner of the Deceased
  • A former husband or wife of the deceased
  • Had a close personal bond or were financially dependent on the deceased.

This list is not exhaustive and each matter varies greatly. Our team of Camden solicitors take the time to sit and talk with the parties involved and aim to resolve these matters as quickly and simply as possible, ideally without the need to proceed to Court.

Call our office if you feel you were unfairly treated or completely left out of a Will. Our team of experienced Camden solicitors are experienced in all types of family law matters. We understand the processes involved in disputing and contesting wills and estates. Contact us today for advice at 02 4655 4224 or email at info@familyfocuslegal.com.au.

Alternatively, if you are the Executor of an Estate and have an individual wishing to make a claim, our office can provide you with advice and guide you through this sometimes difficult process so that the Estate may be finalised without delay or unnecessary costs.

family focus legal papers for Disputed & Contested Estates

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