Final Hearings Affected by COVID-19

Final Hearings Affected by COVID-19

This is in line with the need to protect the health and safety of the community and the legal profession, including Judges and Court staff.

From 23 March 2020, the Courts have been providing electronic services to the community in order to ensure that matters are still able to be dealt with and to prevent any further delay within the system itself. The majority of matters are being dealt with via telephone, however, some matters, including Final Hearings are being dealt with through video link, namely Microsoft Teams.

The Court may decide to continue as a face-to-face hearing should it be necessary, however, with very different measures in place then what we are used to. The primary focus is limiting the amount of people and the amount of time spent in the Court room, so the maximum time is 1.5 hours per day to allow adequate cleaning to occur. The Court may also direct the parties to attend alternative dispute resolution where they have not already or potentially move the hearing to a later date. The Court will also expect a greater focus on the parties written submissions in order to supplement the limited face to face hearing.

If you have an upcoming final hearing or have queries in relation to your Court matter in general, contact one of our experienced solicitors on 4655 4224 to arrange an appointment to discuss your options.

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