Online Will and Estate Planning Appointments

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We would like you to know from a very basic human perspective, that we are here to support you in anyway we can. Family Focus Legal is committed to providing care and guidance to our client’s current and future and as always, providing unparalleled support.

Recently, we have seen an increase in enquiries from clients relating to Estate planning documents such as Wills, Powers of Attorney and Enduring Guardianship’s for either themselves or elderly family members.  The primary concern is of course how quickly can these documents be prepared, and do they need to attend our office to complete them?

What’s the solution?

Understanding the need for everyone to support social distancing, Family Focus Legal can now offer Contactless Estate Planning Appointments.

Why we think it is so important for you to address this issue now?

If you have been a client of ours, you will no doubt have had advice from us that having an up to date Will, Power of Attorney and Enduring Guardian is one of the best things you can do to support your family and provide peace of mind in a time of uncertainty. 

By having these documents reviewed or completed you are giving yourself peace of mind and gaining control of something at such an uncertain time. You are also giving your family certainty about future arrangements and financial and medical decisions should that ever be needed. 

We hope and pray that you and your family never need these documents, but in our experience, the hardship that any family goes through should something happen to you, is significantly minimised because their family thought ahead and thought to provide and protect them. 

How to get started

Arranging a Contactless Estate Planning appointment is simple:

  1. Complete our online Estate Planning Info Sheet 
  2. We will also need a copy of your license or personal photo identification to verify that it is you that we are providing advice to as this is a requirement of the NSW Law Society.
  3. We will schedule a phone or Zoom (video conferencing) appointment with you to discuss your documents, provide advice, and answer your questions
  4. We then draft your documents and provide them to you by way of email, delivery or post with instructions on how to correctly sign them.
  5. If needed, we will be on the phone or video conference when you read and sign your documents to support you through this process and so we can sign the necessary parts to indicate that you have received advice.

We then will ask you to return your documents, where we can then certify them, provide them to other family members if needed and we can place them in our safe custody at no cost to you.

If you have any further questions or would like to discuss your Estate Planning options, feel free to call our office on  02 4655 4224 or email at to discuss.

Ready to take the first step towards peace of mind?

Get in touch with our compassionate team, and let’s
discuss how we can support you and your family.