Press Release : New window safety requirements in effect from 13th March 2018

image childlookingoutwindow2

To prevent children falling from windows, all strata buildings in NSW must be fitted with devices that enable the maximum window openings to be less than 12.5cm. Owners corporations must have devices installed on all applicable common property windows by 13 March 2018.

The safety devices must be robust and childproof.

Residents will still be able to open their windows. However, they will have the security of knowing that when the devices are engaged, children will be protected.

Which windows does this apply to?  

The laws apply to openable windows where the internal floor is more than 2m above the external surface outside and within a child’s reach (less than 1.7m above the internal floor) – see the diagram below.

Window safety device diagram

Further details are explained in the Strata Schemes Management Regulation 2016.

The window safety requirements in NSW are based on the Deem-to-Satisfy provisions D2.24 of the Building Code of Australia (BCA). The BCA is part of the National Construction Code of Australia (NCC). For more information on the BCA or the NCC, visit

For more information around the new laws, please click on the link from the NSW Dept of Fair Trading website:

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