The Pressure that a Lockdown Can Place on a Relationship

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Couples who are living together are also finding themselves in an entirely new dynamic where they suddenly must spend entire days together and most relationships everywhere are feeling the strain.

If your relationship feels under a little more pressure than usual, there are measures that can be taken that can help everybody in your family get through this.

Tip # 1. Alone Time

No matter what your living situation is, the essential ingredient is communication. It’s OK to say you need alone time and for your partner to request a similar break as well and it should be respected from both sides.  Discuss certain times of the day where you feel you can both make th time and use it as a personal breather for handling stress from work or home. Just make sure that you are using this alone time for good use and not to feed any vices.

Tip # 2. Openness

It is very important to be open with your partner and also ask them about how they are feeling, how you can help each other to manage pressure and stress. Be patient and try not to be negative as this can be portrayed as criticism, and that can cause hurt.

Try to be positive in your communication and listen to what the other person is trying to express. In a family setting, if you feel pressured or overwhelmed about something, it’s good to let the members of your family know about it and allow a few minutes to analyse the matters at hand. Ask each other about  fears or worries and take time sit down and discuss those concerns, perhaps you might want to thinking about how you can create a plan to support each other.

Tip # 3. Setting Up An Expectation And Routine

You should set regular routines for the family and be a role model for your children. This will help create a calmness in your home.

Be sure to take breaks, get plenty of sleep, exercise and eat well. Stay connected with your friends and family members.  Take time to sit down as a family and talk about what needs to be discussed and how you can manage it all together. List down everything that needs to be done and approach this task together as a team.

As a couple, you should talk about you and your partner’s needs. Discuss things like your work schedules. If both couples are working from home, take shifts while watching the kids or organise activities so that your kids are occupied for a few hours allowing you to focus on those work tasks.

Set up clear expectations about house chores and other tasks too. If your children are old enough, give them household chores to complete each day such as washing clothes, tidying rooms, washing the dishes and others.

Tip # 4. Keep Work as Separate as Possible

Do your best to designate an area away from work from home space that you can go to at the end of the day. If you have a small garden, take advantage of the good weather, you could sit and plan or reflect or do some gardening. Watering your plants once or twice daily can always be a getaway task to clear up your mind from stress and gain newer ideas that could be helpful at work. Sometimes, having your own work space or separate office room, provides that needed concentration to focus on specific tasks or during scheduled client calls. You want to avoid your children interrupting or calling out to you when you are in the middle of a very important call with a boss or a client.

We at Family Focus Legal strongly believe in working together collaboratively when possible.  We hope you enjoyed these helpful insights and can use some of them to ease any burdens on your home life.

If you find yourself in need of somebody to talk to, our professional staff are very much experienced in dealing with Family Law matters and are available to talk to you. Contact us on 02 4655 4224 or here via or website –

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