What are Family Focus doing to keep your money safe?

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Family Law, Estate and Conveyancing Matters often have transactions in the six figures or more. It is therefore important to us that when dealing with your matters and your money, that we are able to keep it safe in the cyber space and free from hacks or scams.

In recent years, particularly since Conveyancing transactions in NSW have changed to online settlements and people’s preference for cheques has diminished, transactions in these types of matters have been a scammer’s dream.

There have been occasions throughout Australia whereby scammers have intercepted correspondence between purchaser’s, banks and lawyers, which have then resulted in losses of hundreds of thousands of dollars. The scammers had designed what appeared to be authentic documents requesting that funds are paid into a particular bank account, which turned out to be the scammer’s bank account.

In order to avoid this and to keep your money safe, Family Focus has implemented the PEXA Key app which has been specifically designed to eliminate the risk of email scams, thus enabling you to provide your bank account details to our office in a safe manner.

In addition to this, where any funds are to be transferred, our office will always contact you by way of phone to confirm the details and during this phone call, will take steps to verify your identity.

If you have any questions about the PEXA key app or what Family Focus is doing, please contact our office on 4655 4224.

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